Photo by Joe Ravi. License CC-BY-SA 3.0
Paul Mifsud's remarks on receiving the L. Welch Pogue Award - June 25, 2015
The International Aviation Club of Washington, DC and Aviation Week & Space Technology jointly announced that renowned international aviation attorney and strategist Paul V. Mifsud is the 2015 recipient of the prestigious L. Welch Pogue Lifetime Achievement Award.
“Paul has been instrumental in getting Open Skies literally off the ground, made it possible for airline alliances to exist, and then single-handedly created the MIFNET forum that continues to exist to this day. International Aviation owes Paul Mifsud a debt of gratitude on many fronts.”
- Aviation Week President, Greg Hamilton.
Slide show produced for the 2015 L. Welch Pogue Lifetime Achievement Award.