Photo by Joe Ravi. License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Delivery Problems

You really do have to specifically follow the whitelist instructions to receive The Mifnet reliably. This won’t necessarily solve all possible delivery problems, but it is necessary.

These are the generic settings that you need to use. It isn't possible to anticipate the setup needs of every mail client that subscribers may use on their desktop, so you will need to adapt the settings to your circumstances.

Whitelist everything on your desktop email client originating from:

Request that your email provider (such as your ISP) also whitelist everything from:

This is a completely different process from the whitelisting that you do yourself.

If the IP address used by The Mifnet is required (some mail system administrators may ask), it is:

Specific settings for some common mail systems


Outlook is among the most frequently used desktop mail clients, and also among the most difficult to configure correctly

If you are using Outlook as a standalone application (meaning that you are not using Microsoft Exchange as a mail system), you need to use the following settings. If you are using Microsoft Exchange, also:

  1. Check your Junk E-Mail folder from within Outlook.
  2. Find a Mifnet message within that folder (if there are none, then your desktop Outlook is delivering them correctly).
  3. Right click on a Mifnet message within the Junk E-Mail folder.
  4. Select Never Block this Group or Mailing List from the drop-down.
  5. When a window opens, click the box that says, Always trust e-mail from "mifnet (at)"

Note that some subscribers use a secondary spam-blocking tool in addition the one built into Outlook. You will need to configure this tool separately (according to its specific requirements). You may still see Mifnet message in your Junk E-Mail folder if you fail to configure all the spam-blocking programs on your desktop.

For example, you may have spam-blocking included with Norton/Symmantec or McAfee programs that might be running on your desktop.


In addition to the settings discussed for Outlook on the desktop discussed above, if you use Microsoft Exchange, be aware that it includes spam-blocking features that are separate from your desktop Outlook.

Unfortunately, Exchange can be provided by any number of third-party suppliers and its configuration will vary as a result. You will want to get advice from whomever supports the implementation of Exchange that you are using, as the settings are complex. Despite what they may tell you, the Exchange-specific spam-blocking settings are different from those you administer on your desktop. The administrator of your Exchange system needs to review its settings to be sure that they are not blocking The Mifnet.

For reference, here are are some settings that your administrator can review that are specific to Microsoft's own deployment of Exchange. Remember, your settings will vary if you are not using Microsoft as your Exchange host. Also, you should not attempt to change these settings on your own—ask for support! They are described here so that your Exchange administrator can get an idea of what to look for:

  1. Open the Microsoft Office 365 portal in your browser. This is found at:
  2. Login with the same credentials that you use to connect Outlook on your desktop to Exchange.
  3. Click the Admin tab on the bar at the top of the screen and select Exchange from the drop-down.
  4. When the screen displays, select content filter from the protection grouping on the screen.
  5. You should see a list of protection rules that apply to your account. There will be at least a Default rule (if there are more than that, then you will need help to determine the one you need to review).
  6. Highlight a rule (default if there is only one) and click the pencil icon at the top of the rule box to open the rule and edit it.
  7. With the rule open, click advanced options from the list on the left.
  8. When the screen opens, you will see a long list of rules. In the default rule, all are set off with the exception of the Bulk Mail tag. You may want to turn that rule off if problems remain. Be aware that doing so will likely increase the amount of spam delivered to your inbox significantly.
  9. Your Exchange administrator should review any customized rule settings carefully to be sure that they are not blocking The Mifnet.


Gmail appears to be delivering everything, if these settings are used:

  1. Click the Show search options downward-pointing triangle in your Gmail's main search field (the big blank box at the top of the screen; the button is on the right).
  2. Type the following under From:
  3. Follow the Create filter with this search ›› link at the bottom of the search sheet.
  4. Make sure Never send it to Spam is checked.
  5. Click Create filter. (Hotmail)

Outlook is delivering The Mifnet reliably in most circumstances—using these settings will help.

  1. From the main Inbox screen, click the gear icon at the top right and select Options.
  2. Select Safe and blocked senders from the list (upper right under “Preventing Junk Mail”).
  3. Select Safe mailing lists.
  4. Enter both of the following in the “To address for mailing list” box. You need to add them both, one at a time:

    Click the Add to list button after each entry.


To ensure consistent AOL Mifnet delivery, you must add both the Mifnet email address and this domain name to your Address Book or Custom Sender List:

  1. Click the Spam Controls link on the lower right side of your inbox screen.
  2. When the Mail & Spam Controls box appears, click the Custom Sender list link.
  3. Choose Allow email from Sender.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click Save.

If you are using AOL's web mail, simply reply to a Mifnet email to automatically whitelist the list.


Yahoo! is delivering The Mifnet reliably in most circumstances—using these settings will help.

  1. Check your Yahoo! Bulk folder. If you see email from The Mifnet, highlight it and click Not Spam.
  2. Create a filter to automatically allow the domains used by The Mifnet by selecting Options in the top right navigation bar
  3. Select Mail Options from the list that drops down. Choose Filters. Click the Add button.
  4. Choose the field you want to match in the incoming message, in this instance To.
  5. Choose the criterion by which you want a match to be made, in this instance Contains.
  6. Enter the text string to compare: Mifnet.
  7. Choose the destination folder: Inbox.

Mifnet Support

If you or your mail system administrator continue to have difficulty with Mifnet delivery, after applying all the relevant recommendations described on this page, you may write to Mifnet Support (using the link below) with your general questions. It isn't possible to answer specific questions as to the configuration of specific mail clients or systems.

Please remember that this is a volunteer effort. We'll do our best to respond but that may not happen immediately.